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ITEM #: SCP-9113



SCP-9113 is to be held within standardized humanoid entity containment cell #9113 inside of Site-45 upon containment. The subject is not currently under the jurisdiction of The Foundation. A recontainment project (Referred to internally as "Project Field Trip") is to be carried out by MTF Unit Echo-09 "The Losers Club" effective as of 09/10/2022 under the direction of Dr. Wilford Edwards.

When recontained, under no circumstances is SCP-9113 to be allowed to consume an instance of SCP-9113-1.

In order to best understand the subject, no amenities are to be provided to SCP-9113 upon containment. Tests are to be conducted before any detailed containment procedures are to be written. This article will be updated with the necessary information upon recontainment of SCP-9113.


SCP-9113 is a humanoid female subject in her teenage years possessing luminescent crimson eyes and large, red horn-like growths extruding from the top of the head. SCP-9113's ears are canid in nature, alongside a tail growing from the back of the entity and two butterfly-esque wing-like appendages. The entity possesses the ability to forcibly remove any given subject's life force, manifesting it in the form of a pulsating ball of human flesh. This ball, referred to as SCP-9113-1, is then consumed by SCP-9113 over the course of a few minutes.

The consumption of SCP-9113-1 allows for SCP-9113 to evolve it's physical form with new animal-esque appendages, parts, or modifications.


SCP-9113 appears to be currently residing alongside other anomalous entities and objects. Dr. Wilford Edwards has proposed Project Field Trip, a containment mission involving the siege and capture of SCP-9113, SCP-7454, SCP-6916, and any other anomaly discovered during the siege.


Project Field Trip authorized for September 10th, 2022.